The WOGA JA chapter serves as the central hub for all Westwood Alumni. The chapter, which is based in Kingston is fully registered as a non-profit organization and is mainly focused on providing support to the school and its cohorts.
Upon becoming a member of the Association, old girls are encouraged to pay dues, J$1,000 with a special rate of J$500 for tertiary students and senior citizens, to assist with administrative operations of the Association. For visibility, WOGA JA provides an annual financial report at the AGM.
General meetings are held quarterly, with executive meetings held monthly. These meetings are to plan monthly and annual events which include WOGA Church Service, Tea Party and Quarterly plays as well as other fund-raising activities for the school. Decisions for fund-raising activities for various social projects are also taken at these meetings.
Each year, members of WOGA JA worship at a different church in the Corporate Area. Old Girls usually take part in the service with the President taking the opportunity to talk about the school and WOGA’s mandate. The service is followed by fellowship brunch which gives the ladies an opportunity to mingle and create new bonds amongst each other.
Graduates are invited to join the Association each year at a special General meeting held in their honor each October or November.
Projects/activities supported by the team:
- Contribution to the Enid Beale’s Fund
- Contribution to the Dorothy Parson’s Fund
- Contribution to the purchase of a fan for the auditorium at Westwood
- Contribution to a grant for students at Westwood
- Painting the bus stop for the school
- Assisting the donation of the Digicel Science Lab for the Sixth form block
- Hosting the yearly Mentorship Program at the school
- Housing the track and field team for the annual ISSA Boy’s and Girl’s Championship
An extended arm of WOGA JA is the Western WOGA group. This group is in place to facilitate old girls living in the western parishes of the island. The Kingston group tries to host at least one meeting per year with the Western WOGA group.
Sisters, we thank you all for contributing positively to what has been a very extraordinary experience for us all. There have been triumphs and tragedies; still we persevere. We tip our HATS to your good health and the continued strength and prosperity of your families, as well as to the renaissance of our beloved alma mater, Westwood High School.
Ora Et Labore
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